Has paper-based Informed Consent era come to an end?

Has paper-based Informed Consent era come to an end?

eConsent is consolidating itself as benchmark in the development of health-related studies Although there has been a change since those everlasting 15-20 page long Informed Consent (IC) documents, when participating in clinical studies potential participants still...
5 frequently asked questions (FAQs) on Informed Consent

5 frequently asked questions (FAQs) on Informed Consent

Many doubts arise when taking part on a clinical study. More than a mere disclaimer, informed consent processes exist to tackle them. Based on frequent Google searches, i-CONSENT has selected 5 frequently asked questions on Informed Consent that you might have come...
Next steps for i-CONSENT

Next steps for i-CONSENT

From WP2 and WP3 to the elaboration of the guidelines With approximately one year of project left, i-CONSENT is starting to translate the findings into a set of guidelines to improve Informed Consent. The conclusions of i-CONSENT WP1 (Work package 1, A...