Today, September 7th 2017, is the #PatientsHavePower day!

This initiative is organized by Clara, an organization that gives patients the opportunity to join and participate in clinical trials, in order for them to have access to the newest treatments, related to their specific health issue.

Informed consent is the most important document that allows the patients to voluntarily decide their participation in research. However, the informed consent objectives are not always shared with all the stakeholders participating in the research.

As citizens are often not sensitized enough to the health information provided, the #PatientsHavePower campaign created by Clara, and the current research made around informed consent, such as the I-Consent project, should help patients become more literate in health and have easier access to more understandable information in the informed consent. 

Join the #PatientsHavePower campaign to engage with patients’ empowerment or share a personal experience of empowerement you may have had as a patient or researcher that led to a better health care journey.

Click on the link below if you want to read more about the Patients Have Power campaign, and join I-Consent on Twitter!
