Nuestros Socios

El consorcio de i-CONSENT está compuesto por 7 socios de 4 países pertenecientes a diferentes campos: Universidades, centros de investigación, industria, organizaciones de pacientes y PyMEs. La naturaleza del consorcio permite incluir las perspectivas de todas las partes interesadas en el enfoque de proyecto.



Comité Ético Asesor

i-CONSENT cuenta con un Comité Ético Asesor, un organismo independiente que asesora al Consorcio del proyecto y facilita, construye y complementa los regímenes de supervisión de las autoridades éticas y legales.

El Comité participa en las reuniones del proyecto, es consultado cuando surgen problemas éticos específicos y se le informa periódicamente sobre el progreso del proyecto. Los miembros de la EAB son nombrados por el Comité Directivo y proporcionan asesoramiento no vinculante como apoyo para la toma de decisiones al Comité Directivo.

Oana Falup

Oana Falup

Member of the i-CONSENT EAB

Lecturer on Pediatrics at the Faculty of Medicine, Transilvania University. Her main scientific interest is in the field of respiratory infections, particularly pneumococcal and Haemophilus influenzae infections and their pathogenesis, clinical implications and prevention by vaccines. She organized several international teaching courses with the participation of prominent researchers in pediatric infectious diseases. Currently, she is working as. She is member of the WSPID, ESPID and the European Society for Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. She spent training periods in pediatric infectious diseases in Israel, Netherlands, Japan, UK.

Johannes J M Van Delden

Johannes J M Van Delden

Member of the i-CONSENT EAB

Full professor of medical ethics at the University Medical Center of Utrecht University, the Netherlands. He leads the project on patient and public participation for the hospital and for the medical school in the UMC Utrecht. He has worked for many years as a practicing nursing home physician. He has published over 300 international and over 100 national articles on the practice and ethics of end-of-life decisions, research ethics, and ethical issues in the care for the elderly. At his department, he has built a research team which has created a strong track record in the ethics of end-of-life decisions, research ethics, and ethics of biomedical innovation. He served as the chair of the International Bioethics Committee of UNESCO. He has served as the president of the Council of International Organisations of Medical Sciences (CIOMS), and as the chair of the workgroup for the revision of the CIOMS ethical guidelines for biomedical research.  

Marta Albert Márquez

Marta Albert Márquez

Member of the i-CONSENT EAB

She is a full professor of Philosophy of Law  and Director of the Master’s Degree in Bioethics at the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid. She is also associate editor of the journal Cuadernos de Bioética and academic corresponding to the Royal Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation.
She coordinates the StreetLaw-Service Learning program at Rey Juan Carlos University and participates in several projects, conduction of thesis and many publications and conferences.