Our technical coordinator explained the i-CONSENT project and its applications to biobanks
More than 200 representatives from Spanish biobanks met the past october 17 and 18, 2019 in valencia. The experts discussed the challenges and the future of biobanks.
In this sense, our contribution to the Congress was to introduce our informed consent process proposal and the importance of the interaction with the participant (or donor, in this case).
«We haven’t worked specifically on Biobanks within i-CONSENT but the participant’s involvement has to be a common concern in any biomedical investigation. The Congress was a great opportunity to share thoughts and explore new investigation starting points», Jaime Fons Martínez, Technical Coordinator.
The congress was organised by the National Biobank Network (RNBB) and the Valencian Biobank Network (RVB). The FISABIO fundation was in charge of the management.