The team will evaluate the information materials created following the project guidelines

The project validation starts today in Spain and will be followed by a validation in UK and Romania. This validation allows to present the materials elaborated following the project guidelines (websites, videos and infographics) to the end-users and evaluate them.

The validation is based on the presentation and assessment of the understanding of the information disposed on the materials. The tool used for the assessment is an adaptation by the consortium for studies with vaccines of the «QuIC» Questionnaire. This tool has been coined by i-CONSENT as Comprehension and Quality of Informed Consent Questionnaire (c-QuIC).

Jaime Fons iCONSENT
Jaime Fons, i-CONSENT technical coordinator.

The populations selected for the validation have been adults, pregnant women and children from the 3 mentioned countries. This represents 3 cultural and linguistically different settings. This allocation offers the possibility to test if an adaption of the materials elaborated for the Spanish end-users, can be extrapolated to other European countries (UK and Romania).

«The validation of the materials imply an indirect validation of the project guidelines, as the materias were created following the recommendations described on them», explains Jaime Fons, technical project coordinator.

i-CONSENT will present the specific materials elaborated for pregnant women, adolescents and adults in following posts.